2.6.16-rc4: known regressions

From: Adrian Bunk
Date: Fri Feb 17 2006 - 18:30:54 EST

This email lists some known regressions in 2.6.16-rc4 compared to 2.6.15.

If you find your name in the Cc header, you are either submitter of one
of the bugs, maintainer of an affectected subsystem or driver, a patch
of you was declared guilty for a breakage or I'm considering you in any
other way possibly involved with one or more of these issues.

Subject : gnome-volume-manager broken on powerpc since 2.6.16-rc1
References : http://bugzilla.kernel.org/show_bug.cgi?id=6021
Submitter : John Stultz <johnstul@xxxxxxxxxx>
Status : still present in -git two days ago

Subject : S3 sleep hangs the second time - 600X
References : http://bugzilla.kernel.org/show_bug.cgi?id=5989
Submitter : Sanjoy Mahajan <sanjoy@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Status : problematic commit identified,
further discussion is in the bug

Subject : psmouse starts losing sync in 2.6.16-rc2
References : http://lkml.org/lkml/2006/2/5/50
Submitter : Meelis Roos <mroos@xxxxxxxx>
Handled-By : Dmitry Torokhov <dmitry.torokhov@xxxxxxxxx>
Status : Dmitry: Working on various manifestations of this one.
At worst we will have to disable resync by default
before 2.6.16 final is out and continue in 2.6.17 cycle.



"Is there not promise of rain?" Ling Tan asked suddenly out
of the darkness. There had been need of rain for many days.
"Only a promise," Lao Er said.
Pearl S. Buck - Dragon Seed

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