Re: [PATCH 05/13] hrtimer: optimize hrtimer_run_queues

From: Roman Zippel
Date: Mon Feb 13 2006 - 16:43:27 EST


On Mon, 13 Feb 2006, Ingo Molnar wrote:

> > I could also call this perfomance regressions to 2.6.15, unless there
> > is a good reason not to include them, I'd prefer to see it in 2.6.16.
> can you measure it? This is tricky code, we definitely dont want to
> change it this late in the v2.6.16 cycles, execpt if it's some
> measurable performance issue that users will see. (or if it's some
> regression, which it isnt.)

Why is not a regression?
I'm busy enough with m68k as is just to catch up and you're not making it
easier. Such repetitive task have a tendency to show up pretty high when I
occasionally run an profile test run, e.g. a much simpler vertical blank
interrupt at 50Hz is noticable. The new hrtimer code is much heavier and
runs twice as much.

bye, Roman
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