Re: ide-cd causes 'local unit communication failure' on NEC ND-4550A?

From: Matthias Andree
Date: Mon Feb 13 2006 - 15:08:36 EST

Matthias Andree schrieb am 2006-02-12:

> Greetings,
> catchy subject, here's the story:
> SUSE Linux kernels 2.6.13-15.7,
> 2.6.13-15.8 (both SUSE Linux 10.0 i586) and
> Vanilla kernel
> cause "local unit communication failure" when running "readcd -c2scan"
> on my NEC ND-4550A CD/DVD drive (VIA KT8237, Athlon XP 2500+, 1 GB RAM)
> after at most two seconds of reading.

Detail info: the failed command always takes a touch more than 6.4 s to
timeout. Only the time until it happens for the first time differs.
It appears to me that the drive has an internal watchdog to wait for the
host to do something.

And directions how to dig up useful debug information for this issue?
Have there been related fixes in 2.6.16-rc* that make testing

Matthias Andree
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