Re: Packet writing issue on

From: Paul
Date: Sun Feb 12 2006 - 03:11:34 EST

Phillip Susi <psusi@xxxxxxxxxx>, on Sat Feb 11, 2006 [08:10:56 PM] said:
> cdrecord is just burning the image in dao/tao/sao mode. To use pktcdvd
> to read/write the disc on the fly it must be formatted for packet mode
> using cdrwtool. If the disc is formatted in MRW mode, then you don't
> even need pktcdvd to read/write it, that is supported by the firmware in
> the drive. Right now I believe you can use the dvd-rwtools package to
> format media in MRW mode, and I plan on adding it as an option to
> cdrwtool at some point. See
> for more info.


This is not technically true; once the pktcdvd mapping is made,
the device can be accessed like a r/w block device. For example, after
I associate the dvd with the pktcdvd device, I then can associate it
with a cryptographic loop device, and mke2fs on that, then mount it
and use it like any other filesystem. Something like:

pktsetup dvd /dev/dvd
losetup -e serpent-256 /dev/loop0 /dev/pktcdvd/dvd
mke2fs -m0 /dev/loop0
mount -o noatime,rw /dev/loop0 /mntpoint

I realize you are differentiating between burning an iso
type image from what cdrwtool does, but I thought I would mention
my usage;) Obviously this would not be compatible with anything
else, which is intentional.
What is the difference between using cdrwtool on the cd/vd-rw
to form an initial image, and just doing a mkudffs on a pktcdvd
associated device?

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