Re: Flames over -- Re: Which is simpler? (Was Re: [Suspend2-devel]Re: [ 00/10] [Suspend2] Modules support.)

From: hackmiester (Hunter Fuller)
Date: Sat Feb 11 2006 - 12:05:34 EST

Kyle Moffett wrote:

On Feb 10, 2006, at 18:35, Pavel Machek wrote:

Anyway, it means that suspend is still quite a hot topic, and that is good. (Linus said that suspend-to-disk is basically for people that can't get suspend-to-RAM to work, and after I got suspend-to- RAM to work reliably here, I can see his point).

I completely agree. My Mac PowerBook has had suspend-to-RAM for a long time; I shut the lid and about 3 seconds later it's asleep, open it and 3 seconds later it's awake. Leave it sleeping for a week on a full charge, come back to find it still asleep. I can even put it to sleep, remove a drained battery and put in a fresh one (it has a small internal 2-minute RAM battery), then wake it up and resume work. I'm curious though, what proportion of laptop hardware actually has support for suspend-to-RAM? (including hardware for which linux does not yet have support).

I'd say about... 100% of all in use today :-) Really, I've not seen a machine without APM or ACPI in ages...

What percent of that hardware _does_ have Linux support?

85% I'd say. My notebook supports suspend, but not stand by, in Linux. Suspend uses more battery. :-(

Kyle Moffett

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