Memory managment differences between 2.4 and 2.6 with mem=

From: Serge Noiraud
Date: Fri Feb 10 2006 - 09:50:05 EST

In 2.4 I used to have mem=2000 on a machine with 2GB of memory.
I used the differences between 2000 and 2048 for a specific driver.
This means I use addresses between 0x7d000000 and 0x7fffffff.
I was sure the system did not take this memory.

In 2.6 it does not work like that.
In /proc/iomem the end of memory is 0x7d000000.
I think this is normal.
but I saw the IDE driver allocate 1KB in addresses between 0x7d000000 and 0x7d0003ff

I have some question :
Is it normal ?
If it is not, how to get the same functionality ? are there some new options ?
Does memap= can help ?
Is there any impact in the driver ?

I red mel gorman "Understanding the Linux Virtual Memory Manager", but it does not help me.
In which chapter this is explained ?

Serge Noiraud
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