Re: CD writing in future Linux (stirring up a hornets' nest)

From: Joerg Schilling
Date: Thu Feb 09 2006 - 05:29:17 EST

lsorense@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx (Lennart Sorensen) wrote:

> Hmm, perhaps what should be done is that someone needs to write and
> maintain a patch that linux users can apply to cdrecord (since other OSs
> are different and hence have no reason to use such a patch), to make it
> behave in a manner which is sane on linux. It should of course be
> clearly marked as having been changed in such a way. It should use udev
> if available and HAL and whatever else is appropriate on a modern linux
> system, and if on an old system it should at least not break the
> interfaces that already worked on those systems in cdrecord.

Unfortunately is it a matter oif facts that all known patches for cdrecord
break more things than they claim to fix.


EMail:joerg@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx (home) Jörg Schilling D-13353 Berlin
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