Re: [PATCH] serial: serial_txx9 driver update

From: Atsushi Nemoto
Date: Mon Jan 23 2006 - 21:23:45 EST

>>>>> On Mon, 23 Jan 2006 19:49:30 +0000, Russell King <rmk+lkml@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> said:
>> Yes, in this case I will read ABCDEFG without error, and then H
>> with an overrun error. But the UART still hold "I" in its "read
>> buffer". The "read buffer" is exist outside the receiver FIFO. So
>> if 'J' comes in later, I will read "IJ". There is no way to clear
>> the "read buffer" except resetting the UART.

rmk> Ok, so if someone sent you ABCDEFGHIJ, all before you could read
rmk> anything from the UART, where I causes an overrun, you'll read
rmk> ABCDEFGHJ, but the status associated with H will indicate an
rmk> overrun condition?

Partially incorrect. With or without the patch, "H" will indicate an

If someone sent me "ABCDEFGHI(...long delay...)J", all before I could
read "ABCDEFGH", NUL with TTY_OVERRUN, then "IJ". With the patch, I
will read "ABCDEFGH", NUL with TTY_OVERRUN, then "J".

I do not want to read "I" after long delay. Dropping the "I" is not a
problem while I can know that an overrun happened there.

rmk> Your overrun behaviour is near enough to typical 8250 behaviour
rmk> that you can use the helper provided - uart_insert_char(). This
rmk> eliminates the special flag handling you seem to have created.

I suppose typical 8250 will drop "I". The TXX9 UART does not (it is
described in the datasheet. Not a bug).

I have been using uart_insert_char() and it helps me to pass NUL (with
TTY_OVERRUN) after "H" char. But the it is not enough to handle this
queer behavior.

Atsushi Nemoto
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