Re: My vote against eepro* removal

From: John Ronciak
Date: Fri Jan 20 2006 - 20:18:01 EST

On 1/20/06, Lee Revell <rlrevell@xxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> Seems like the important question is, why does e100 need a watchdog if
> eepro100 works fine without one? Isn't the point of a watchdog in this
> context to work around other bugs in the driver (or the hardware)?
There are a number of things that the watchdog in e100 does. It
checks link (up, down), reads the hardware stats, adjusts the adaptive
IFS and checks to 3 known hang conditions based on certain types of
the hardware. You might be able to get around without doing the
work-arounds (as long as you don't' see hangs happening with the
hardware being used) but the checking of the link and the stats are
probably needed.

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