Re: userspace breakage

From: Linus Torvalds
Date: Thu Dec 29 2005 - 19:31:07 EST

On Thu, 29 Dec 2005, Jeff V. Merkey wrote:
> The fact that Oracle and IBM support apps on Linux are Freeloading? Baloney!

Jeff, give it a rest.

Oracle and IBM haven't been complaining, have they? Oracle mostly does
user-space stuff (that doesn't change), and has been pretty good about
their Oracle-fs too - they're even actively discussing "git" issues on the
git mailing list, and asking for help, and just generally being good
members of the community.

And IBM engineers are part of the people who change internal kernel
interfaces in order to make it work better for them.

Pretty much the ONLY people who ever complain about those internal kernel
interfaces changing are the free-loaders. It's hard for them, because they
don't want to play according to the rules. Tough. Watch me not care:

[ Linus sits in his chair, patently not caring ]


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