Re: [PATCH] ktimers subsystem 2.6.14-rc2-kt5

From: Roman Zippel
Date: Mon Oct 17 2005 - 14:05:31 EST


On Mon, 17 Oct 2005 linux@xxxxxxxxxxx wrote:

> > - "timer API" vs "timeout API": I got absolutely no acknowlegement that
> > this might be a little confusing and in consequence "process timer" may be
> > a better name.
> I have to disagree. Once you grasp the desirability of having two kinds
> of timers, one optimized for the case where it does expire, and one
> optimized for the case where it is aborted or rescheduled before its
> expiration time, the timer/timeout terminology seems quite intuitive
> to me.

Thank you, that's exactly the confusion, I'd like to avoid.

The main difference is in their possible resolution: kernel timer are a
low resolution, low overhead timer optimized for kernel needs and process
timer have a larger resolution mainly for applications, but this also
implies a larger overhead (i.e. more expensive locking).

bye, Roman
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