Re: 2.6.14-rc4-rt7

From: Mark Knecht
Date: Mon Oct 17 2005 - 12:06:59 EST

On 10/17/05, Ingo Molnar <mingo@xxxxxxx> wrote:
> i have released the 2.6.14-rc4-rt7

Hi Ingo,
-rt7 is up and running here. As far as I can tell so far I am
getting good realtime response. No xruns so far, but certianly very
little testing.

The problem I'm seeing, which is consistent, is that it takes 1:45
to 2 minutes ot log out of Gnome. If I log in, wait about 15 seconds,
and the choose 'logout' from the panel, I have to wait almost 2
minutes for the confirmation screen to come up. When I choose logout
from that screen the final part of logout is immediate.

This was not a problem on rc4-rt1, but has been a problem on -rt5,
-rt6 and -rt7.

I commented on this earlier but possibly the comment was missed.

Anyway, I'll be doing more testing with Jack today, but it would be
great if we could debug this problem along the way.

Kernel config attached.

Attachment: knecht.config-2.6.14-rc4-rt7.bz2
Description: BZip2 compressed data