Re: [linux-usb-devel] RFC drivers/usb/storage/libusual

From: Phil Dibowitz
Date: Fri Sep 30 2005 - 02:09:35 EST

Pete Zaitcev wrote:
> Patch is attached. I would like someone to look it over and challenge it.
> The thing looks too complex to me, but I see no other way. Anyone?

OK, so I'm not very familiar with a lot of the code affected here, but
since it diddles with unusual_devs, I feel I should chime in. But I'll
chime in with a question. ;)

A quick look over the patch shows that there are now two kinds of
unusual_dev entries: unusual_dev() and unusual_dev_fl(), where the
latter is for entries that don't need to specify SC or PR (i.e., just
had US_SC_DEVICE, US_PR_DEVICE in them). While I think that's a
reasonable change, it's not clear to me why that's useful to the rest of
the patch, or it's just making unusual_devs.h artificially shorter?

Phil Dibowitz phil@xxxxxxxx
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