[PATCH] Auto-localversion should use git commands and behaviors

From: Ryan Anderson
Date: Mon Sep 26 2005 - 01:43:30 EST

Auto-localversion support should use git commands and behaviors whenever possible.

This fully switches to using git-rev-parse to dereference tags and
symbolic heads (HEAD, for example), and emulates the behavior of git
with respect to the use of the environment variable GIT_DIR.

Signed-off-by: Ryan Anderson <ryan@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>

Index: linux-git/scripts/setlocalversion
--- linux-git.orig/scripts/setlocalversion 2005-09-25 15:00:49.000000000 -0400
+++ linux-git/scripts/setlocalversion 2005-09-26 02:36:33.000000000 -0400
@@ -23,51 +23,61 @@ my @LOCALVERSIONS = ();
# currently assume that all meaningful version boundaries are marked by a tag.
# We don't care what the tag is, just that something exists.

-# Git/Cogito store the top-of-tree "commit" in .git/HEAD
+# Git/Cogito store the top-of-tree "committish" in .git/HEAD
# A list of known tags sits in .git/refs/tags/
# The simple trick here is to just compare the two of these, and if we get a
# match, return nothing, otherwise, return a subset of the SHA-1 hash in
# .git/HEAD

+# First, a helper routine to convert symbolic names into
+# git committish values.
+sub git_rev_parse {
+ my ($rev) = @_;
+ local(*oldstderr) = *STDERR;
+ open(STDERR,">","/dev/null")
+ or die "Failed to reopen stderr: $!";
+ unless (open(P,"-|","git-rev-parse",sprintf("%s^0",$rev))) {
+ *STDERR = *oldstderr;
+ die "Failed to open pipe from git-rev-parse: $!";
+ }
+ *STDERR = *oldstderr;
+ my $commit = <P>;
+ chomp $commit;
+ close(P);
+ return $commit;
+# Next, the guts, as outlined above.
+# git-rev-parse $tag^0 evaluates $tag and dereferences it until
+# we get to a committish
sub do_git_checks {
- open(H,"<.git/HEAD") or return;
- my $head = <H>;
- chomp $head;
- close(H);
+ my $sanity_check = `which git-rev-parse`;
+ return unless $sanity_check =~ m/git-rev-parse/;
+ my $head = git_rev_parse("HEAD");
+ my $GITDIR = exists $ENV{'GIT_DIR'} ? $ENV{'GIT_DIR'} : ".git";

- unless (opendir(D,".git/refs/tags")) {
- warn "Failed to open .git/refs/tags : " . $!;
+ unless (opendir(D,"$GITDIR/refs/tags")) {
+ warn "Failed to open $GITDIR/refs/tags : " . $!;
foreach my $tagfile (grep !/^\.{1,2}$/, readdir(D)) {
- unless (open(F,"<",".git/refs/tags/" . $tagfile)) {
- warn "Failed to open .git/refs/tags/$tagfile : " . $!;
- return;
- }
- my $tag = <F>;
- chomp $tag;
- close(F);
- local(*oldstderr) = *STDERR;
- open(STDERR,">","/dev/null")
- or die "Failed to reopen stderr: $!";
- unless (open(P,"-|","git-rev-parse",sprintf("%s^0",$tag))) {
- *STDERR = *oldstderr;
- die "Failed to open pipe from git-rev-parse: $!";
- }
- *STDERR = *oldstderr;
- my $commit = <P>;
- chomp $commit;
+ my $commit = git_rev_parse($tagfile);

- if ($tag eq $head) {
- warn "$tagfile refers to commit $head (maybe indirectly)";
+ if ($commit eq $head) {
- #return if ($tag eq $head);


Ryan Anderson
sometimes Pug Majere
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