Re: CCITT-CRC16 in kernel

From: Kyle Moffett
Date: Thu Aug 11 2005 - 12:18:23 EST

On Aug 11, 2005, at 13:08:56, linux-os (Dick Johnson) wrote:
Okay. Thanks. This means that hardware somehow swapped bits
before doing a CRC. I wasn't aware that this was even possible
as it would require additional storage, well I guess anything
is now possible in a FPGA.

The "Bible" has been:

Note that on the very first page, reference, is made to
the 0x1021 poly. Then there is source-code that is entirely
incompatible with anything in the kernel, but is supposed to
work (it does work on my hardware).

I have spent over a week grabbing everything on the Web that
could help decipher the CCITT CRC and they all show this
same kind of code and same kind of organization. Nothing
I could find on the Web is like the linux kernel ccitt_crc.
Go figure.

Do you suppose it was bit-swapped to bypass a patent?

It could be that, or it could be some kernel genius figured
out that one method is faster or better or more magical than
the other on most platforms. Since the code works well, I
would be disinclined to tinker with it. :-D.

Kyle Moffett

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A: Because OCT 31 == DEC 25.

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