Possible race in sound/oss/forte.c ?

From: John M. King
Date: Thu Aug 11 2005 - 12:07:31 EST

I know the OSS drivers are deprecated, but I'm trying to figure this out
for my own understanding.

Here's code from sound/oss/forte.c, in the write system call handler. A
test has already been performed (under the protection of the lock) and
the driver has decided to sleep.

add_wait_queue (&channel->wait, &wait);

for (;;) {
spin_unlock_irqrestore (&chip->lock, flags);

set_current_state (TASK_INTERRUPTIBLE);

spin_lock_irqsave (&chip->lock, flags);

if (channel->frag_num - channel->filled_frags)

remove_wait_queue (&channel->wait, &wait);
set_current_state (TASK_RUNNING);

The driver's interrupt handler calls wake_up_all(). What if an
interrupt occurs just after the spin_unlock_irqrestore() but before
setting TASK_INTERRUPTIBLE (and the interrupt handler does stuff that
causes the tested conditional to be true as well)? The interrupt calls
wake_up_all(), but then when control returns here, the process will mark
itself TASK_INTERRUPTIBLE right away and sleep, effectively missing the

Is this a race condition? If not, can someone point out the error(s) in
my reasoning? Please CC me as I'm not subscribed to the list.

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