Re: RT and Cascade interrupts

From: john cooper
Date: Tue May 31 2005 - 18:14:17 EST

john cooper wrote:
Trond Myklebust wrote:

I've appended a patch that
should check for strict compliance of the above rules. Could you try it
out and see if it triggers any Oopses?

Yes, the assert in rpc_delete_timer() occurs just before
the cascade list corruption. This is consistent with
what I have seen. ie: the timer in a released rpc_task
is still active.

I've captured more data in the instrumentation and found
the rpc_task's timer is being requeued by an application
task which is preempting ksoftirqd when it wakes up in
xprt_transmit(). This is what I had originally suspected
but likely didn't communicate it effectively.

The scenario unfolds as:

[high priority app task]
/* blocks in xprt_transmit() */
list_del("rpc_task_X.timer") /* logically off cascade */

/* ksoftirqd preempted */

/* Don't race with disconnect */
if (!xprt_connected(xprt))
task->tk_status = -ENOTCONN;
else if (!req->rq_received)
rpc_sleep_on(&xprt->pending, task, NULL, xprt_timer);
__mod_timer("rpc_task_X.timer") /* requeued in cascade */
/* blocks */

/* rpc_run_timer resumes from preempt */
clear_bit(RPC_TASK_HAS_TIMER, "rpc_task_X.tk_runstate");

/* rpc_task_X.timer is now enqueued in cascade without
RPC_TASK_HAS_TIMER set and will not be dequeued
in rpc_release_task()/rpc_delete_timer() */

The usage of "rpc_task_X.timer" indicates the same KVA
observed for the timer struct at the associated points
in the instrumented code.

The above was gathered by logging usage of the
kernel/timer.c primitives. Thus I don't have more
detailed state of the rpc_task in RPC context.
However I did verify which of the three calls to
rpc_sleep_on() in xprt_transmit() was being invoked
(as above).

So the root cause appears to be the rpc_task's timer
being requeued in xprt_transmit() when rpc_run_timer
is preempted. From looking at the code I'm unsure
if modifying xprt_transmit()/out_receive is appropriate
to synchronize with rpc_release_task(). It seems
allowing rpc_sleep_on() to occur is more natural and
for rpc_release_task() to detect the pending timer and
remove it before proceeding. I'm still in the process
of trying to digest the logic here but I thought there
was enough information here to be of use. Suggestions,
warnings welcome.


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