Re: [PROBLEM] Machine Freezes while Running Crossover Office

From: Linus Torvalds
Date: Sun May 29 2005 - 13:13:42 EST

On Sat, 28 May 2005, Pekka Enberg wrote:
> I did a binary search and found out that 2.6.10-bk10 introduced this
> bug. The kernel includes Linus' changes for pipes to use circular buffers.
> A oprofile run shows that kernel is spending lots of time in poll_pipe. I
> also have Alt-Sysrq-P traces that indicate to the same direction. I have
> included vmstat, Alt-SysRq-P, and oprofile traces in this mail (see below
> for section X.).

Can you try to see if you can get an "strace" snippet of X (or the window
manager) when this happens, since it seems to reproducible by you..

Also, I actually find it very surprising that you see X doing anything
_at_all_ with a pipe, since all the X connections should be just normal
sockets. There are no pipes involved anywhere afaik.

Your description sounds exactly like X is busy processing some slow
operation (or possibly the window manager, but I think virtual console
switches happen without the WM being involved). The most common such slow
operation is a new font being generated, but I don't see why that would
have anything to do with pipes either...

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