From: Arjan van de Ven
Date: Thu Apr 14 2005 - 01:47:37 EST

On Thu, 2005-04-14 at 09:42 +0900, tsuchiya yoshihiro wrote:
> Hi,
> In Fedora Core3, interruptible_sleep_on() checks if the system is
> lock_kernel()'ed
> by SLEEP_ON_BKLCHECK. Same thing is done in RedHatEL4.
> Also I found a patch including SLEEP_ON_BKLCHECK was posted before,
> but is not included in 2.6.11.
> Why SLEEP_ON_BKLCHECK checks lock_kernel ?

Because you really need to hold the BKL when you call sleep_on() family
of APIs, otherwise you have a very big race.

Also note that you in your code really should not call any of the
sleep_on() family of functions at all! It is a very very deprecated and
defective API!!!!

Can you give the URL to the code where you use this in?
(it is GPL code, right?)

Arjan van de Ven

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