pcnet_cs problems in ARM handheld

From: rafael2k
Date: Mon Apr 11 2005 - 14:27:10 EST

Hi David and others kernel developers,
Thanx for your pcnet_cs driver! I use it since old days :-P

I bought a IC-CARD+ pcnet_cs compatible pcmcia nic, and i'm using it on a
StrongARM HP Jornada 710. My kernel is a 2.4.18-rmk3-hh10 and my pcmcia-cs
version is 3.1.33

From dmesg I got this messages:

jornada720_pcmcia_configure_socket(): config socket 0 vcc 50 vpp 0
jornada720_pcmcia_configure_socket(): config socket 0 vcc 50 vpp 0
eth0: NE2000 Compatible: io 0xc2800300, irq 114, hw_addr 00:80:C8:88:00:56
eth0: interrupt(s) dropped!
NETDEV WATCHDOG: eth0: transmit timed out
eth0: Tx timed out, lost interrupt? TSR=0x3, ISR=0x96, t=39.
NETDEV WATCHDOG: eth0: transmit timed out
eth0: Tx timed out, lost interrupt? TSR=0x3, ISR=0x3, t=55.
NETDEV WATCHDOG: eth0: transmit timed out
eth0: Tx timed out, lost interrupt? TSR=0x3, ISR=0x3, t=49.
NETDEV WATCHDOG: eth0: transmit timed out
eth0: Tx timed out, lost interrupt? TSR=0x3, ISR=0x3, t=88.
eth0: interrupt(s) dropped!
NETDEV WATCHDOG: eth0: transmit timed out
eth0: Tx timed out, lost interrupt? TSR=0x3, ISR=0x3, t=77.

Any suggestions?
I tried to change some values in pcnet_cs.c:
INT_MODULE_PARM(use_big_buf, 1); /* i tried 0 */
INT_MODULE_PARM(delay_output, 0); /* I tried 1 */
INT_MODULE_PARM(delay_time, 4); /* I tried 6 */

but no change helped...

rafael diniz

Engenharia da Computação -- Unicamp
Radio Muda, radiolivre.org, Centro de Mídia Independente, SubMídia, GPSL
Chave PGP: http://pgp.mit.edu:11371/pks/lookup?op=get&search=0x2FF86098
-> orkut sucks, e naum estou nessa porcaria <-
"Acreditar que um conhecimento pode ser vendido ou
comprado é uma forma sutil (e cruel) de perpetuar a ignorância."

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