Re: current linus bk, error mounting root

From: Jon Smirl
Date: Mon Mar 21 2005 - 20:02:24 EST

Here is fedora's initrd nash script from my system. I modified it with
the sleep lines.

It already is creating the /dev node with 'mkrootdev /dev/root'
I don't think udev is even running yet. Something else is causing this.

echo "Loading libata.ko module"
insmod /lib/libata.ko
echo "Loading ata_piix.ko module"
insmod /lib/ata_piix.ko
echo "Loading raid1.ko module"
insmod /lib/raid1.ko
raidautorun /dev/md0
>>>echo Sleep 1
>>>sleep 1
echo Creating root device
mkrootdev /dev/root
umount /sys
echo Mounting root filesystem
mount -o defaults --ro -v -t ext3 /dev/root /sysroot
mount -t tmpfs --bind /dev /sysroot/dev
echo Switching to new root
switchroot /sysroot
umount /initrd/dev

Jon Smirl
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