[PATCH 3/5] ppc RT: ppc_mcount.patch

From: Frank Rowand
Date: Mon Mar 07 2005 - 20:40:55 EST

Source: MontaVista Software, Inc.
Signed-off-by: Frank Rowand <frowand@xxxxxxxxxx>

Index: linux-2.6.10/arch/ppc/kernel/entry.S
--- linux-2.6.10.orig/arch/ppc/kernel/entry.S
+++ linux-2.6.10/arch/ppc/kernel/entry.S
@@ -1018,3 +1018,85 @@ machine_check_in_rtas:
/* XXX load up BATs and panic */

#endif /* CONFIG_PPC_OF */
+ * mcount() is not the same as _mcount(). The callers of mcount() have a
+ * normal context. The callers of _mcount() do not have a stack frame and
+ * have not saved the "caller saves" registers.
+ */
+ stwu r1,-16(r1)
+ mflr r3
+ lis r5,mcount_enabled@ha
+ lwz r5,mcount_enabled@l(r5)
+ stw r3,20(r1)
+ cmpwi r5,0
+ beq 1f
+ /* r3 contains lr (eip), put parent lr (parent_eip) in r4 */
+ lwz r4,16(r1)
+ lwz r4,4(r4)
+ bl __trace
+ lwz r0,20(r1)
+ mtlr r0
+ addi r1,r1,16
+ blr
+ * The -pg flag, which is specified in the case of CONFIG_MCOUNT, causes the
+ * C compiler to add a call to _mcount() at the start of each function preamble,
+ * before the stack frame is created. An example of this preamble code is:
+ *
+ * mflr r0
+ * lis r12,-16354
+ * stw r0,4(r1)
+ * addi r0,r12,-19652
+ * bl 0xc00034c8 <_mcount>
+ * mflr r0
+ * stwu r1,-16(r1)
+ */
+#define M_STK_SIZE 48
+ /* Would not expect to need to save cr, but glibc version of */
+ /* _mcount() does, so cautiously saving it here too. */
+ stwu r1,-M_STK_SIZE(r1)
+ stw r3, 12(r1)
+ stw r4, 16(r1)
+ stw r5, 20(r1)
+ stw r6, 24(r1)
+ mflr r3 /* will use as first arg to __trace() */
+ mfcr r4
+ lis r5,mcount_enabled@ha
+ lwz r5,mcount_enabled@l(r5)
+ cmpwi r5,0
+ stw r3, 44(r1) /* lr */
+ stw r4, 8(r1) /* cr */
+ stw r7, 28(r1)
+ stw r8, 32(r1)
+ stw r9, 36(r1)
+ stw r10,40(r1)
+ beq 1f
+ /* r3 contains lr (eip), put parent lr (parent_eip) in r4 */
+ lwz r4,M_STK_SIZE+4(r1)
+ bl __trace
+ lwz r8, 8(r1) /* cr */
+ lwz r9, 44(r1) /* lr */
+ lwz r3, 12(r1)
+ lwz r4, 16(r1)
+ lwz r5, 20(r1)
+ mtcrf 0xff,r8
+ mtctr r9
+ lwz r0, 52(r1)
+ lwz r6, 24(r1)
+ lwz r7, 28(r1)
+ lwz r8, 32(r1)
+ lwz r9, 36(r1)
+ lwz r10,40(r1)
+ addi r1,r1,M_STK_SIZE
+ mtlr r0
+ bctr
+#endif /* CONFIG_MCOUNT */
Index: linux-2.6.10/arch/ppc/boot/Makefile
--- linux-2.6.10.orig/arch/ppc/boot/Makefile
+++ linux-2.6.10/arch/ppc/boot/Makefile
@@ -11,6 +11,15 @@

CFLAGS += -fno-builtin -D__BOOTER__ -Iarch/$(ARCH)/boot/include
+# do not trace the boot loader
+nullstring :=
+space := $(nullstring) # end of the line
+pg_flag = $(nullstring) -pg # end of the line
+CFLAGS := $(subst ${pg_flag},${space},${CFLAGS})
HOSTCFLAGS += -Iarch/$(ARCH)/boot/include

BOOT_TARGETS = zImage zImage.initrd znetboot znetboot.initrd
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