Re: [ck] [PATCH][RFC] sched: Isochronous class for unprivileged softrt scheduling

From: Cal
Date: Tue Jan 18 2005 - 10:58:22 EST

Con Kolivas wrote:
Comments and testing welcome.

There's a collection of test summaries from jack_test3.2 runs at

Tests were run with iso_cpu at 70, 90, 99, 100, each test was run twice. The discrepancies between consecutive runs (with same parameters) is puzzling. Also recorded were tests with SCHED_FIFO and SCHED_RR.

Before drawing any hardball conclusions, verification of the results would be nice. At first glance, it does seem that we still have that fateful gap between "harm minimisation" (policy) and "zero tolerance" (audio reality requirement).

cheers, Cal
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