Re: 2.4: "access beyond end of device" after ext2 mount

From: Mario Holbe
Date: Tue Jan 18 2005 - 10:51:41 EST

On Tue, Jan 18, 2005 at 10:07:27AM -0500, Piszcz, Justin Michael wrote:
> Not trying to spread FUD, I am just explaining I had the same issue and
> that was the resolution.

Well, *if* the reason of your issue was the same as the reason of
my issue (what could be, but must not be), you were in the lucky
position that after unclipping your drive your partition's size
was a multiple of 1024 *and* (2048|4096) while before it wasn't.
Chances of that are about 1:(1|3) - not that bad at all :)

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