Re: [PATCH 1/2] CryptoAPI: prepare for processing multiple buffersat a time

From: Evgeniy Polyakov
Date: Fri Jan 14 2005 - 17:28:51 EST

via-padlock - patch to enable xcrypt instructions on various VIA CPUs (for example Nehemiah family).
It is totally Michal's work, I've just ported it to acrypto.
Not tested.

fcrypt - driver for CE-InfoSys FastCrypt PCI card equipped with a SuperCrypt CE99C003B chip that
can offload DES and 3DES encryption from the CPU.
It is totally Michal's work too, I've just ported it to acrypto.
Not tested.

Evgeniy Polyakov

Only failure makes us experts. -- Theo de Raadt

Attachment: fcrypt-04_01_2005.tar.gz
Description: Binary data

Attachment: via-padlock.patch-04_01_2005
Description: Binary data