UFS1 filesystem compatibility problem under Linux

From: Barry Bouwsma
Date: Tue Nov 30 2004 - 09:24:29 EST

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Moin, moin!

A few days ago, I had the need to mount one of my (Free/Net)BSD UFS1
filesystems under Linux, but this failed. I was too tired at the
time to see why it failed, but I've since downloaded recent kernel
source in order to read through the UFS code and see if I can
identify the problem.

(I should note that I'm a *BSD user, and have not finished the
installation of Linux that I started, so I haven't actually built
a hacked kernel to see whether what I write below is relevant to
the problem, or that other problems are revealed. My questions
are based only on *reading* the source code. Sorry.)

Anyway, a search for this problem turned up old code in which the
filesystem blocksize was limited to a small selection of values,
otherwise an error would be thrown. This code was missing from
the recent kernel source, but I did notice a hardcoded upper
bound on the allowable fragment size, which certainly did not
match the non-standard values I had selected when creating my
filesystem for the purpose of holding a handful of very large
(multi-gigabyte) data files.

The source code in question is in linux-2.6.10-rc2/fs/ufs/super.c
and is as follows:

798 if (uspi->s_fsize > 4096) {
799 printk(KERN_ERR "ufs_read_super: fragment size %u is to
799 o large\n",
800 uspi->s_fsize);
801 goto failed;
802 }

I've had absolutely no problems under FreeBSD (apart from possibly
finding one or two bits of code that needed to be fixed) when I've
made regular use of fragment sizes up to and including the block
size (as large as 65536 bytes), so long as fsize is within the range
of bsize/8 to bsize.

Question: Is there a reason that the Linux UFS code would be unable
to handle frag sizes larger than 4k, or is this simply an arbitrary
sanity check, similar to the old block size check that I unearthed
which restricted allowable values to one of three or so, that should
be corrected to be able to handle all allowable cases?

(The *BSD man pages do not recommend fragment sizes other than in a
ratio of 1/8 the block size, but I've experienced no problems, and
the desired effect -- pruning the number of inodes to speed fsck and
better match the disk contents -- has been achieved.)

Here follows a dump of the BSD UFS1 superblock of the filesystem I
had created, which gave difficulties. This is made with the `dumpfs'
program under FreeBSD 4.x. Following is the directory listing from
this filesystem, to lead to my next question about file sizes.

** disklabel:
# size offset fstype [fsize bsize bps/cpg]
c: 488397106 0 unused 0 0 # (Cyl. 0 - 30401*)
e: 488397106 0 4.2BSD 32768 65536 4664 # (Cyl. 0 - 30401*)

** dumpfs:
magic 11954 time Sun Nov 28 08:56:33 2004
id [ 419de1cd 66a4512a ]
cylgrp dynamic inodes 4.4BSD
nbfree 2892221 ndir 1 nifree 13295 nffree 1
ncg 26 ncyl 119238 size 7631204 blocks 7631045
bsize 65536 shift 16 mask 0xffff0000
fsize 32768 shift 15 mask 0xffff8000
frag 2 shift 1 fsbtodb 6
cpg 4664 bpg 149248 fpg 298496 ipg 512
minfree 8% optim time maxcontig 1 maxbpg 16384
rotdelay 0ms rps 60
ntrak 1 nsect 4096 npsect 4096 spc 4096
symlinklen 60 trackskew 0 interleave 1 contigsumsize 0
nindir 16384 inopb 512 nspf 64 maxfilesize 288247969412284415
sblkno 2 cblkno 4 iblkno 6 dblkno 8
sbsize 8192 cgsize 65536 cgoffset 64 cgmask 0xffffffff
csaddr 8 cssize 32768 shift 12 mask 0xfffff000
cgrotor 10 fmod 0 ronly 0 clean 1
flags none
(no rotational position table)
[ snip ]

** df:
Filesystem 1K-blocks Used Avail Capacity iused ifree %iused
/dev/da2s1c 244193440 59091264 165566720 26% 15 13295 0%

** ls:
total 59091266
drwxr-xr-x 26 root wheel 1536 Nov 15 16:48 ..
-rw-r--r-- 1 beer wheel 4666687532 Nov 20 04:15 FM4-Fri-19.11-1.wav
-rw-r--r-- 1 beer wheel 1036800044 Nov 20 05:45 flowmotion-Fri-19.11.wav
-rw-r--r-- 1 root wheel 351404076 Nov 20 17:26 test.wav
-rw-r--r-- 1 beer wheel 7833600044 Nov 21 05:28 pb-Sat-20.11.wav
-rw-r--r-- 1 beer wheel 9031680044 Nov 21 08:02 xxl-Sat-20.11.wav
-rw-r--r-- 1 beer wheel 3571200044 Nov 22 02:07 xxl-Sun-21.11.wav
-rw-r--r-- 1 beer wheel 6278400044 Nov 22 06:02 fm4-Sun-21.11.wav
-rw-r--r-- 1 beer wheel 4838400044 Nov 23 04:59 metissages-Mon-22.11.wav
-rw-r--r-- 1 beer wheel 3168000044 Nov 23 05:00 flowmotion-Mon-22.11.wav
-rw-r--r-- 1 beer wheel 5886720044 Nov 24 06:30 metissages-Tue-23.11.wav
-rw-r--r-- 1 beer wheel 74711084 Nov 26 21:08 club.wav
-rw-r--r-- 1 beer wheel 5932800044 Nov 27 06:02 FM4-Fri-26.11.wav
-rw-r--r-- 1 beer wheel 44 Nov 27 17:59 xxl-Sat-27.11.wav
drwxr-xr-x 2 beer wheel 512 Nov 27 17:59 .
-rw-r--r-- 1 beer wheel 7833600044 Nov 28 05:19 pb-Sat-27.11.wav

So here's my second question: The Linux kernel UFS code makes some
reference to a 2GB filesize limit, which, as the above directory
listing shows, is not a problem with BSD UFS.
/* Keep 2Gig file limit. Some UFS variants need to override
this but as I don't know which I'll let those in the know loosen
the rules */
So can it be that even after fixing the fragment size check, that
I'll still have problems with Linux accessing the above larger
files? The FAQ implies otherwise, maybe:
+ (REG) Maximum file size depends on the block size on your
filesystem. For ext2 (and UFS, SysVFS and similar
filesystems), the limits are:
Block size Maximum file size (GiBytes)
512 B 2
1 kiB 16
2 kiB 128
4 kiB 1024
8 kiB 8192 (PAGE_SIZE must be >= 8 kiB)

Hmmm, this reference to PAGE_SIZE is interesting -- the reason
I'm asking all these stupid questions is to know whether some
out-of-the-box on-CD-or-similar Linux could be expected to be
able to handle my UFS1 filesystem as described above, with no
need for a custom or tweaked kernel.

The above `dumpfs' output is provided for anyone who is familiar
with the code and would be able to identify right away that certain
values might be out of the range that Linux expects to handle. Like
appears to be the case with the fragment size.

barry bouwsma

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