Re: [patch 4/10] s390: network driver.

From: Paul Jakma
Date: Mon Nov 29 2004 - 15:30:43 EST

On Mon, 29 Nov 2004, Thomas Spatzier wrote:

Yes, for the examples you mentioned the app should better be notified. However, AFAICS, there are no such notification mechanisms on a per-packet basis implemented in the kernel. And I doubt that they are going to be implemented.

We do get notified. We get a netlink interface update with unset IFF_RUNNING from the interface flags.

However, it can take time before zebra gets to read it, and further time before zebra sends its own interface update to protocol daemons, and further time before they might get to read and update their own interface state. By which time those daemons may have sent packets down those interfaces (which packets may become invalid before link becomes back, but which still will be sent and hence which potentially could disrupt routing).

Ideally, we should be notified synchronously (EBUFS?) or if thats not possible, packet should be dropped (see my below presumption though).

The other solution is some means for a daemon to be able flush queues for a specific interface. (but thats a bit ugly).

Good suggestion, if anyone has an interesting and feasible solution I will be happy to integrate it. So far, however, it don't see one and I would point people being worried about lost packets to TCP.

Surely TCP already was able to take care of retransmits? I'm not familiar with Linux internals, but how did TCP cope with the previous driver behaviour? (I get the vague impression that we're talking about a driver specific buffer here, rather than the applications socket buffer - is that correct?).

Jeff, David, enlighten us please! :)


Paul Jakma paul@xxxxxxxx paul@xxxxxxxxx Key ID: 64A2FF6A
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