Suspend 2 merge: 44/51: Text UI plugin.

From: Nigel Cunningham
Date: Wed Nov 24 2004 - 13:42:59 EST

Here's our plugin that is used to display text output on the console.
When the console loglevel is 0 or 1, the user gets a nice progress bar.
Higher levels display increasing levels of debugging output.

diff -ruN 850-text-ui-old/kernel/power/suspend_text.c 850-text-ui-new/kernel/power/suspend_text.c
--- 850-text-ui-old/kernel/power/suspend_text.c 1970-01-01 10:00:00.000000000 +1000
+++ 850-text-ui-new/kernel/power/suspend_text.c 2004-11-15 09:41:00.000000000 +1100
@@ -0,0 +1,629 @@
+ * kernel/power/suspend2_text_display.c
+ *
+ * Copyright (C) 2002-2004 Nigel Cunningham <ncunningham@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
+ *
+ * This file is released under the GPLv2.
+ *
+ * Routines for Software Suspend's user interface.
+ *
+ * The user interface includes support for a text mode 'nice display'.
+ *
+ * The 'nice display' is text based and implements a progress bar and
+ * (optional) textual progress, as well as an overall description of
+ * the current action and the display of a header and the code version.
+ *
+ * It uses /dev/console, and thus also works on a serial console.
+ */
+//#define __KERNEL_SYSCALLS__
+#include <linux/suspend.h>
+#include <linux/console.h>
+#include <linux/selection.h>
+#include <linux/tty.h>
+#include <linux/vt_kern.h>
+#include "plugins.h"
+#include "proc.h"
+#include "suspend.h"
+ * The original macros use currcons, which we don't have access to.
+ */
+#undef video_num_columns
+#define video_num_columns (vc_cons[fg_console].d->vc_cols)
+#undef video_num_lines
+#define video_num_lines (vc_cons[fg_console].d->vc_rows)
+static int barwidth = 0, barposn = -1, newbarposn = 0;
+static int draw_progress_bar = 1;
+static char print_buf[1024]; /* Same as printk - should be safe */
+/* We remember the last header that was (or could have been) displayed for
+ * use during log level switches */
+static char lastheader[512];
+static int lastheader_message_len = 0;
+static void hide_cursor(void);
+static void unblank_screen_via_file(void);
+static int suspend_console_fd = -1;
+static struct termios termios;
+static int lastloglevel = -1;
+static int mounted_devfs = 0;
+#define cond_console_print(chars) \
+ if (suspend_console_fd > -1) { \
+ int count = strlen(chars); \
+ sys_write(suspend_console_fd, chars, count); \
+ hide_cursor(); \
+ unblank_screen_via_file(); \
+ }
+static void move_cursor_to(unsigned char * xy)
+ char buf[10];
+ snprintf(buf, 10, "\233%d;%dH", xy[1], xy[0]);
+ cond_console_print(buf);
+static void clear_display(void)
+ char buf[4] = "\2332J";
+ unsigned char home[2] = { 0, 0 };
+ cond_console_print(buf);
+ move_cursor_to(home);
+static void hide_cursor(void)
+ char buf[6] = "\033[?1c";
+ if (suspend_console_fd > -1)
+ sys_write(suspend_console_fd, buf, 5);
+static void restore_cursor(void)
+ char buf[6] = "\033[?0c";
+ if (suspend_console_fd > -1)
+ sys_write(suspend_console_fd, buf, 5);
+static void unblank_screen_via_file(void)
+ char buf[6] = "\033[13]";
+ if (suspend_console_fd > -1)
+ sys_write(suspend_console_fd, buf, 5);
+/* prepare_status
+ * Description: Prepare the 'nice display', drawing the header and version,
+ * along with the current action and perhaps also resetting the
+ * progress bar.
+ * Arguments: int printalways: Whether to print the action when debugging
+ * is on.
+ * int clearbar: Whether to reset the progress bar.
+ * const char *fmt, ...: The action to be displayed.
+ */
+static void text_prepare_status(int printalways, int clearbar, const char *fmt, va_list args)
+ unsigned char posn[2];
+ if (fmt)
+ lastheader_message_len = vsnprintf(lastheader, 512, fmt, args);
+ if (console_loglevel >= SUSPEND_ERROR) {
+ if (printalways)
+ printk("\n** %s\n", lastheader);
+ return;
+ }
+ barwidth = (video_num_columns - 2 * (video_num_columns / 4) - 2);
+ /* Print version */
+ posn[0] = (unsigned char) (0);
+ posn[1] = (unsigned char) (video_num_lines);
+ move_cursor_to(posn);
+ cond_console_print(SUSPEND_CORE_VERSION);
+ /* Print header */
+ posn[0] = (unsigned char) ((video_num_columns - 31) / 2);
+ posn[1] = (unsigned char) ((video_num_lines / 3) - 3);
+ move_cursor_to(posn);
+ cond_console_print("S O F T W A R E S U S P E N D");
+ /* Print action */
+ posn[1] = (unsigned char) (video_num_lines / 3);
+ posn[0] = (unsigned char) 0;
+ move_cursor_to(posn);
+ /* Clear old message */
+ for (barposn = 0; barposn < video_num_columns; barposn++)
+ cond_console_print(" ");
+ posn[0] = (unsigned char)
+ ((video_num_columns - lastheader_message_len) / 2);
+ move_cursor_to(posn);
+ cond_console_print(lastheader);
+ if (draw_progress_bar) {
+ /* Draw left bracket of progress bar. */
+ posn[0] = (unsigned char) (video_num_columns / 4);
+ posn[1]++;
+ move_cursor_to(posn);
+ cond_console_print("[");
+ /* Draw right bracket of progress bar. */
+ posn[0] = (unsigned char)
+ (video_num_columns - (video_num_columns / 4) - 1);
+ move_cursor_to(posn);
+ cond_console_print("]");
+ if (clearbar) {
+ /* Position at start of progress */
+ posn[0] = (unsigned char) (video_num_columns / 4 + 1);
+ move_cursor_to(posn);
+ /* Clear bar */
+ for (barposn = 0; barposn < barwidth; barposn++)
+ cond_console_print(" ");
+ move_cursor_to(posn);
+ }
+ }
+ hide_cursor();
+ barposn = 0;
+/* text_loglevel_change
+ *
+ * Description: Update the display when the user changes the log level.
+ * Returns: Boolean indicating whether the level was changed.
+ */
+static void text_loglevel_change(void)
+ /* Calculate progress bar width. Note that whether the
+ * splash screen is on might have changed (this might be
+ * the first call in a new cycle), so we can't take it
+ * for granted that the width is the same as last time
+ * we came in here */
+ barwidth = (video_num_columns - 2 * (video_num_columns / 4) - 2);
+ barposn = 0;
+ /* Only reset the display if we're switching between nice display
+ * and displaying debugging output */
+ if (console_loglevel >= SUSPEND_ERROR) {
+ char message[35];
+ if (lastloglevel < SUSPEND_ERROR)
+ clear_display();
+ snprintf(message, 35,
+ "Switched to console loglevel %d.\n",
+ console_loglevel);
+ cond_console_print(message);
+ if (lastloglevel < SUSPEND_ERROR) {
+ cond_console_print(lastheader);
+ cond_console_print("\n");
+ }
+ } else if (lastloglevel >= SUSPEND_ERROR) {
+ clear_display();
+ /* Get the nice display or last action [re]drawn */
+ text_prepare_status(1, 0, NULL, NULL);
+ }
+ lastloglevel = console_loglevel;
+/* text_update_progress
+ *
+ * Description: Update the progress bar and (if on) in-bar message.
+ * Arguments: UL value, maximum: Current progress percentage (value/max).
+ * const char *fmt, ...: Message to be displayed in the middle
+ * of the progress bar.
+ * Note that a NULL message does not mean that any previous
+ * message is erased! For that, you need prepare_status with
+ * clearbar on.
+ * Returns: Unsigned long: The next value where status needs to be updated.
+ * This is to reduce unnecessary calls to text_update_progress.
+ */
+unsigned long text_update_progress(unsigned long value, unsigned long maximum,
+ const char *fmt, va_list args)
+ unsigned long next_update = 0;
+ int bitshift = generic_fls(maximum) - 16;
+ unsigned char posn[2];
+ int message_len = 0;
+ if (!barwidth)
+ barwidth = (video_num_columns - 2 * (video_num_columns / 4) - 2);
+ if (!maximum)
+ return maximum;
+ if (value < 0)
+ value = 0;
+ if (value > maximum)
+ value = maximum;
+ /* Try to avoid math problems - we can't do 64 bit math here
+ * (and shouldn't need it - anyone got screen resolution
+ * of 65536 pixels or more?) */
+ if (bitshift > 0) {
+ unsigned long temp_maximum = maximum >> bitshift;
+ unsigned long temp_value = value >> bitshift;
+ newbarposn = (int) (temp_value * barwidth / temp_maximum);
+ } else
+ newbarposn = (int) (value * barwidth / maximum);
+ if (newbarposn < barposn)
+ barposn = 0;
+ next_update = ((newbarposn + 1) * maximum / barwidth) + 1;
+ if ((console_loglevel >= SUSPEND_ERROR) || (!draw_progress_bar))
+ return next_update;
+ /* Update bar */
+ if (draw_progress_bar) {
+ posn[1] = (unsigned char) ((video_num_lines / 3) + 1);
+ /* Clear bar if at start */
+ if (!barposn) {
+ posn[0] = (unsigned char) (video_num_columns / 4 + 1);
+ move_cursor_to(posn);
+ for (; barposn < barwidth; barposn++)
+ cond_console_print(" ");
+ barposn = 0;
+ }
+ posn[0] = (unsigned char) (video_num_columns / 4 + 1 + barposn);
+ move_cursor_to(posn);
+ for (; barposn < newbarposn; barposn++)
+ cond_console_print("-");
+ }
+ /* Print string in progress bar on loglevel 1 */
+ if ((fmt) && (console_loglevel)) {
+ message_len = vsnprintf(print_buf, sizeof(print_buf), " ", NULL);
+ message_len += vsnprintf(print_buf + message_len,
+ sizeof(print_buf) - message_len, fmt, args);
+ message_len += vsnprintf(print_buf + message_len,
+ sizeof(print_buf) - message_len, " ", NULL);
+ if (message_len) {
+ posn[0] = (unsigned char)
+ ((video_num_columns - message_len) / 2);
+ posn[1] = (unsigned char)
+ ((video_num_lines / 3) + 1);
+ move_cursor_to(posn);
+ cond_console_print(print_buf);
+ }
+ }
+ barposn = newbarposn;
+ hide_cursor();
+ return next_update;
+extern asmlinkage long sys_ioctl(unsigned int fd, unsigned int cmd,
+ unsigned long arg);
+static void text_message(unsigned long section, unsigned long level,
+ int normally_logged,
+ const char *fmt, va_list args)
+ int printed_len = 0;
+ if ((section) && (!TEST_DEBUG_STATE(section)))
+ return;
+ if (level == SUSPEND_STATUS) {
+ text_prepare_status(1, 0, fmt, args);
+ return;
+ }
+ if (level > console_loglevel)
+ return;
+ printed_len = vsnprintf(print_buf + printed_len,
+ sizeof(print_buf) - printed_len, fmt, args);
+ (normally_logged)) {
+ /* If we didn't print anything, don't do the \n anyway! */
+ if (!printed_len)
+ return;
+ printk(print_buf);
+ } else
+ cond_console_print(print_buf);
+ *
+ */
+static void suspend_get_dev_console(void)
+ if (suspend_console_fd > -1)
+ return;
+ suspend_console_fd = sys_open("/dev/console", O_RDWR | O_NONBLOCK, 0);
+ if (suspend_console_fd < 0) {
+ sys_mkdir("/dev", 0700);
+ sys_mount("devfs", "/dev", "devfs", 0, NULL);
+ mounted_devfs = 1;
+ suspend_console_fd = sys_open("/dev/console", O_RDWR | O_NONBLOCK, 0);
+ }
+ if (suspend_console_fd < 0) {
+ printk("Can't open /dev/console. Error value was %d.\n",
+ suspend_console_fd);
+ suspend_console_fd = -1;
+ return;
+ }
+ sys_ioctl(suspend_console_fd, TCGETS, (long)&termios);
+ termios.c_lflag &= ~ICANON;
+ sys_ioctl(suspend_console_fd, TCSETSF, (long)&termios);
+/* prepare_console
+ *
+ */
+static void text_prepare_console(void)
+ suspend_get_dev_console();
+ if (console_loglevel < 2)
+ clear_display();
+ lastloglevel = console_loglevel;
+/* cleanup_console
+ *
+ * Description: Close our handle on /dev/console. Must be done
+ * earlier than pm_restore_console to avoid problems with other
+ * processes trying to grab it when thawed.
+ */
+static void cleanup_console(void)
+ if (console_loglevel < 2)
+ clear_display();
+ restore_cursor();
+ termios.c_lflag |= ICANON;
+ sys_ioctl(suspend_console_fd, TCSETSF, (long)&termios);
+ sys_close(suspend_console_fd);
+ suspend_console_fd = -1;
+ if (mounted_devfs)
+ sys_umount("/dev", 0);
+ lastloglevel = -1;
+ return;
+static void text_redraw(void)
+ sys_ioctl(suspend_console_fd, TIOCL_BLANKSCREEN, (long)&termios);
+ sys_ioctl(suspend_console_fd, TIOCL_UNBLANKSCREEN, (long)&termios);
+static int text_keypress(unsigned int key)
+ switch (key) {
+ case 48:
+ console_loglevel = 0;
+ break;
+ case 49:
+ console_loglevel = 1;
+ break;
+ case 122:
+ /* `: Toggle slow */
+ suspend_action ^= (1 << SUSPEND_SLOW);
+ suspend2_core_ops->schedule_message(7);
+ break;
+ case 1:
+ /* F1: Toggle any section debugging. */
+ suspend_debug_state ^= (1 << SUSPEND_ANY_SECTION);
+ suspend2_core_ops->schedule_message(20);
+ break;
+ case 2:
+ /* F2: Freeze. */
+ suspend_debug_state ^= (1 << SUSPEND_FREEZER);
+ suspend2_core_ops->schedule_message(21);
+ break;
+ case 3:
+ /* F3: Eat Memory */
+ suspend_debug_state ^= (1 << SUSPEND_EAT_MEMORY);
+ suspend2_core_ops->schedule_message(22);
+ break;
+ case 4:
+ /* F4: Pagesets. */
+ suspend_debug_state ^= (1 << SUSPEND_PAGESETS);
+ suspend2_core_ops->schedule_message(23);
+ break;
+ case 5:
+ /* F5: IO. */
+ suspend_debug_state ^= (1 << SUSPEND_IO);
+ suspend2_core_ops->schedule_message(24);
+ break;
+ case 6:
+ /* F6: Bmapping of pages */
+ suspend_debug_state ^= (1 << SUSPEND_BMAP);
+ suspend2_core_ops->schedule_message(25);
+ break;
+ case 7:
+ /* F7: Writer */
+ suspend_debug_state ^= (1 << SUSPEND_WRITER);
+ suspend2_core_ops->schedule_message(26);
+ break;
+ case 8:
+ /* F8: Memory */
+ suspend_debug_state ^= (1 << SUSPEND_MEMORY);
+ suspend2_core_ops->schedule_message(27);
+ break;
+ case 9:
+ /* F9: Ranges */
+ suspend_debug_state ^= (1 << SUSPEND_RANGES);
+ suspend2_core_ops->schedule_message(28);
+ break;
+ case 10:
+ /* F10: Memory Pool */
+ suspend_debug_state ^= (1 << SUSPEND_MEM_POOL);
+ suspend2_core_ops->schedule_message(29);
+ break;
+ case 11:
+ /* F11: Nosave */
+ suspend_debug_state ^= (1 << SUSPEND_NOSAVE);
+ suspend2_core_ops->schedule_message(30);
+ break;
+ case 12:
+ /* F12: Integrity */
+ suspend_debug_state ^= (1 << SUSPEND_INTEGRITY);
+ suspend2_core_ops->schedule_message(31);
+ break;
+ case 112:
+ /* During suspend, toggle pausing with P */
+ suspend_action ^= (1 << SUSPEND_PAUSE);
+ suspend2_core_ops->schedule_message(1);
+ break;
+ case 115:
+ /* Otherwise, if S pressed, toggle single step */
+ suspend_action ^= (1 << SUSPEND_SINGLESTEP);
+ suspend2_core_ops->schedule_message(3);
+ break;
+ case 108:
+ /* Otherwise, if L pressed, toggle logging everything */
+ suspend_action ^= (1 << SUSPEND_LOGALL);
+ suspend2_core_ops->schedule_message(4);
+ break;
+ case 116:
+ /* T: Toggle freezing timers */
+ clear_suspend_state(SUSPEND_TIMER_FREEZER_ON);
+ suspend2_core_ops->schedule_message(99);
+ break;
+ case 50:
+ case 51:
+ case 52:
+ case 53:
+ case 54:
+ case 55:
+ case 56:
+ case 57:
+ console_loglevel = ((key - 48));
+ break;
+ default:
+ return 0;
+ }
+ return 1;
+ * User interface specific /proc/suspend entries.
+ */
+static struct suspend_plugin_ops text_mode_ops;
+static struct suspend_proc_data proc_params[] = {
+ { .filename = "text_mode_progress_bar",
+ .permissions = PROC_RW,
+ .data = {
+ .integer = {
+ .variable = &draw_progress_bar,
+ .minimum = 0,
+ .maximum = 1,
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ { .filename = "disable_textmode_support",
+ .permissions = PROC_RW,
+ .data = {
+ .integer = {
+ .variable = &text_mode_ops.disabled,
+ .minimum = 0,
+ .maximum = 1,
+ }
+ }
+ }
+static struct suspend_plugin_ops text_mode_ops = {
+ .type = UI_PLUGIN,
+ .name = "Text Mode Support",
+ .ops = {
+ .ui = {
+ .prepare = text_prepare_console,
+ .log_level_change = text_loglevel_change,
+ .message = text_message,
+ .update_progress = text_update_progress,
+ .cleanup = cleanup_console,
+ .keypress = text_keypress,
+ .post_kernel_restore_redraw =
+ text_redraw,
+ }
+ }
+/* ---- Registration ---- */
+static __init int text_mode_load(void)
+ int i, numfiles = sizeof(proc_params) / sizeof(struct suspend_proc_data);
+ int result;
+ if (!(result = suspend_register_plugin(&text_mode_ops))) {
+ printk("Software Suspend text mode support loaded.\n");
+ for (i=0; i< numfiles; i++)
+ suspend_register_procfile(&proc_params[i]);
+ }
+ return result;
+#ifdef MODULE
+static __exit void text_mode_unload(void)
+ int i, numfiles = sizeof(proc_params) / sizeof(struct suspend_proc_data);
+ printk("Software Suspend text mode support unloading.\n");
+ for (i=0; i< numfiles; i++)
+ suspend_unregister_procfile(&proc_params[i]);
+ suspend_unregister_plugin(&text_mode_ops);
+MODULE_AUTHOR("Nigel Cunningham");
+MODULE_DESCRIPTION("Suspend2 Text Mode support");

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