Re: HFS+ Bug which causes coreutils "make test" to fail

From: Roman Zippel
Date: Fri Nov 19 2004 - 15:26:21 EST


On Fri, 19 Nov 2004, Martin Schaffner wrote:

> > > mkdir a; chmod 1777 a; touch a/b; su otheruser -c "rm -rf a"

The problem is that rm does a chdir into a/b after unlink fails and tries
to treat it like a directory. It's rather unclear why rm does that.
HFS allows to chdir into a file right now, because it doesn't has enough
information to distinguish it from a lookup (for the resource fork).
OTOH it's easily fixable within rm, lstat clearly says it's a regular
file, so rm has no reason to treat it like a dir.

> > > The other failure related to the fact that all pipe files are suffixed
> > > by "|", and all links by "@" when doing "ls -1F" on HFS+

I don't see what HFS should do different here, ext2 does the same. Can you
send me the strace output to demonstrate the difference?

bye, Roman
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