Re: [patch 2] Xen core patch : arch_free_page return value

From: Jeff Dike
Date: Wed Nov 17 2004 - 21:56:53 EST

Ian.Pratt@xxxxxxxxxxxx said:
> Pages that have been allocated by our custom allocators get passed
> into standard linux subsystems where we get no control over how
> they're freed. We want the normal page ref counting etc to happen as
> per normal, we just want to intercept the final free so that we can
> return it to our allocator rather than the standard one.

I have to agree with Dave - this is just a wierd solution. I added
arch_free_page to do arch-specific, invisible-to-the-generic-kernel things.
My intent may not be the be-all and end-all for this, but I think the semantics
you want to add to it are not that reasonable.

My gut reaction (without knowing your problem in any detail) would be that
you need too add some more structure to whatever mechanism you have
so that the pages land in your allocator automatically, like a slab or a new
zone or something.


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