Re: net: generic netdev_ioaddr

From: Krzysztof Halasa
Date: Fri Oct 29 2004 - 16:32:04 EST

Al Viro <viro@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> writes:

> What uses ->base_addr from the data returned by SIOCGIFMAP?

ifconfig I think:

eth0 Link encap:Ethernet HWaddr 00:50:BA:70:68:3E
inet addr: Bcast: Mask:
RX packets:2796430 errors:1 dropped:0 overruns:0 frame:0
TX packets:4056563 errors:3 dropped:0 overruns:0 carrier:3
collisions:0 txqueuelen:1000
RX bytes:285233613 (272.0 Mb) TX bytes:1252627624 (1194.5 Mb)
Interrupt:10 Base address:0x4000

With this driver it happens to be MMIO address.

I understand presenting this value to users might have some value:
it can help determine the physical port/card for a given netdev.
But it should be something like a description text set by the driver
(ie. containing PCI bus/device, or even ISA address for ISA non-PnP
card, possibly with other information).

It seems while some devices use SIOCGIFMAP (ie. by setting the fields
in netdev struct), support for SIOCSIFMAP doesn't make sense for most

Drivers using SIOCSIFMAP (selecting media only?):
arch/cris/arch-v10/drivers/ethernet.c: dev->set_config = e100_set_config;
drivers/net/au1000_eth.c: dev->set_config = &au1000_set_config;
drivers/net/sis900.c: net_dev->set_config = &sis900_set_config;
drivers/net/arm/etherh.c: dev->set_config = etherh_set_config;
drivers/net/pcmcia/3c589_cs.c: dev->set_config = &el3_config;
drivers/net/pcmcia/fmvj18x_cs.c: dev->set_config = &fjn_config;
drivers/net/pcmcia/nmclan_cs.c: dev->set_config = &mace_config;
drivers/net/pcmcia/pcnet_cs.c: dev->set_config = &set_config;
drivers/net/pcmcia/smc91c92_cs.c: dev->set_config = &s9k_config;
drivers/net/pcmcia/xirc2ps_cs.c: dev->set_config = &do_config;
drivers/net/wan/sdla.c: dev->set_config = sdla_set_config;
drivers/net/wireless/ray_cs.c: dev->set_config = &ray_dev_config;

I think I would mark this stuff obsolete, and remove when the drivers
are updated (if they need an update at all, they may support
ethtool/mii-tool already).
Krzysztof Halasa
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