Re: [PATCH] Remove some divide instructions

From: Maciej W. Rozycki
Date: Wed Oct 27 2004 - 20:06:59 EST

On Wed, 27 Oct 2004, Linus Torvalds wrote:

> > Does indeed generate different code for the constant case - without it,
> > due to the assignment to __base, the shift / mask optimization does not
> > take place.
> Oh, damn. That's a separate issue, apparently, and there you just use
> "__builtin_constant_p()" as a way to check that there are no side effects
> on "base".

That has to be a deficiency in that specific version of compiler. For me
it just works as long as __base is const:

$ cat do_div.c
#include <stdint.h>

#define do_div(n, base) ({ \
const uint32_t __base = (base); \
uint32_t __rem; \
__rem = ((uint64_t)(n)) % __base; \
(n) = ((uint64_t)(n)) / __base; \
__rem; \

uint32_t div16(uint64_t *n)
return do_div(*n, 16);
$ gcc -g -O2 -fomit-frame-pointer -c do_div.c
$ objdump -d do_div.o

do_div.o: file format elf32-i386

Disassembly of section .text:

00000000 <div16>:
0: 56 push %esi
1: 53 push %ebx
2: 8b 74 24 0c mov 0xc(%esp),%esi
6: 8b 0e mov (%esi),%ecx
8: 8b 5e 04 mov 0x4(%esi),%ebx
b: 89 c8 mov %ecx,%eax
d: 0f ac d9 04 shrd $0x4,%ebx,%ecx
11: c1 eb 04 shr $0x4,%ebx
14: 89 0e mov %ecx,(%esi)
16: 89 5e 04 mov %ebx,0x4(%esi)
19: 5b pop %ebx
1a: 83 e0 0f and $0xf,%eax
1d: 5e pop %esi
1e: c3 ret
$ gcc --version
gcc (GCC) 3.5.0 20040322 (experimental)

I guess anything not older is expected to work.

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