Re: 2.6.9-mm1: LVM stopped working (dio-handle-eof.patch)

From: Mathieu Segaud
Date: Wed Oct 27 2004 - 16:13:19 EST

Andrew Morton <akpm@xxxxxxxx> disait dernièrement que :

> Could someone pleeeeze send out a simple recipe for repeating this problem?

Well, as soon as the boot scripts "initializes" an LVM2 volume group;

just create one with vgcreate(8) from the lvm2 tools (I guess it'd fail under
faulty kernels like the latest -mm's).
Then boot 2.6.9-mm1 or 2.6.10-rc1-mm1, either the distro specific init scripts
will yield an error (No volume groups found), or just issue 'vgchange -a y',
to activate all available volume groups, and it will fail with the above error.

In my case, no kernel messages in dmesg related to these errors.
printk("----------- [cut here ] --------- [please bite here ] ---------\n");

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