Re: BK kernel workflow

From: Matthias Urlichs
Date: Tue Oct 26 2004 - 02:35:21 EST

Hi, Michael Buesch wrote:

> What do kernel developers think about svk?
> (Yes, it's not mature, yet.)
> I mean the svk concept. Does it also suck for kernel development?

The basic idea seems to be "We need feature X. We have a system that's
mostly nice, but it cannot do X. Thus, graft a system to do X onto it.
Voila, one SCM which can do everything we need". Experience suggests
that if you do that, you end up with an ugly mess.

One reason why svk won't work for Linux is this:

A true peer-to-peer system requires that both branches are treated equal.
Bitkeeper got that one exactly right: if I have two repositories A and B,
then importing A to B is the same thing as importing B to A. SVN can't do
that, thus svk can't do it either.

There are others.

Matthias Urlichs | {M:U} IT Design @ | smurf@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx

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