Re: [patch] voluntary-preempt-2.6.9-rc2-mm3-S5

From: Rui Nuno Capela
Date: Thu Sep 23 2004 - 20:00:54 EST

Dear Sir Molnar,

> i've released the -S5 VP patch:

This is going GREAT!

While I'm still writing this very lines (via some webmail client on
konqui), my dreaded P4/HT box is pumping hard along jackd -R -p 128 -n2,
for more than one hour now, with two qsynth/fluidsynth instances up,
ardour continuous 8-track in loop-streaming playback nonstop, and also
some more juk and artsd (kde 3.3 here) all trashing my-full-head-of-sound
in my phones. No xrun, NO lockup, NO nothing. And still counting...

I even have CONFIG_SCHED_SMT set, as you can check by attached config
file. Amazing, to say the least, if you remember my latest complaints ;)

Ingo, you're a champ!

Gotta go to sleep now, it was worth the effort staying awake this late...

tomorrow is a nother day :)
rncbc aka Rui Nuno Capela

Attachment: config-2.6.9-rc2-mm3-S5.0smp.gz
Description: GNU Zip compressed data