[PATCH] (2.6.9-rc2) MAINTAINERS - lanana.org web server address

From: Alexander Stohr
Date: Mon Sep 20 2004 - 06:03:22 EST


the attached patch fixes the web server address for lanana.org
in the MAINTAINERS file of linux kernel 2.6.9-rc2.

The problem was that the needed "www." prefix was missing.
In this case lanana does not respont when the prefix is left out.
I know some browsers are doing autoprobping with a few prefixes,
but i know and do use at least three browsers that dont do that.
These are: mozilla 1.6, lynx 2.8.5rel.2 and recent opera for windows.

please apply.


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Attachment: linux-2.6.9-rc2-maintainers.diff
Description: Binary data