[patch] xpad driver - incorrect axis settings

From: William Pettersson
Date: Fri Sep 17 2004 - 03:48:56 EST

Seems the xpad (xbox controller) driver, whilst functioning, reported
down as up, and up as down, on the analogue joysticks for the xpad.
Also the L and R triggers were implemented as axis, rather than buttons.
This patch fixes up both of those issues. I'm yet to have any people
have any errors with it, although not many people have tested it. Also
it seems weird that the driver would be reported functioning if the axis
were inverted, so it might be just an issue with the S controllers from
Microsoft. I tried contacting the maintainer, but got no response from
his email account.
Here's a patch, which patches against most 2.6 kernels, including and 2.6.9, and inverts the axis and fixes the buttons

As soon as I can find an original xbox controller, I'll test it out with
my driver to see what it does. Until then, are there any changes anyone
could suggest? Or if anyone could test it out with an actual original
xbox controller, or any xbox controller for that matter, it would be
great. I'm willing to listen to any advice or demands or insults, I am
not an experience programmer and will make mistakes


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