Re: [PATCH] Stop printk printing non-printable chars

From: Jeff Woods
Date: Sun Jun 20 2004 - 15:08:01 EST

A LKML meta-patch:

@On Sat, 2004-06-19 at 16:49 +0100, matthew-lkml@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx wrote:
Please forgive me if I'm wrong on this, but I seem to remember reading
something a while ago indicating that the kernel is and always will be
-internally English (i.e. debugging messages and the like) as there is no
+internally that subset of English representable in 7-bit ASCII
+(i.e. debugging messages and the like) as there is no
need to bloat it with many different languages (that can be done in
userspace). As printk is really just a log system, I personally don't
see any way that it should ever print anything other than ASCII.

P.S. At 6/20/2004 03:17 PM +0100, David Woodhouse wrote:
It's very naïve of you to think that English means nothing but ASCII.
Non-ASCII characters play a very important rôle even in English

Thank you for illustrating the point that maximizing portability and compatibility favors simplicity.
Jeff Woods <kazrak+kernel@xxxxxxxxxxx>

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