Re: Stop the Linux kernel madness

From: Jan-Benedict Glaw
Date: Fri Jun 18 2004 - 15:48:04 EST

On Fri, 2004-06-18 16:05:46 -0400, Rik van Riel <riel@xxxxxxxxxx>
wrote in message <Pine.LNX.4.44.0406181604270.8065-100000@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>:
> On Fri, 18 Jun 2004, Tim Bird wrote:

> Since the people benefitting from this work are the
> embedded developers, it would seem logical that they
> should bear the cost of this effort, too.

It's not only all the embedded stuff (where the -tiny tree is a nice
start!). Remember the bits of the pc98 arch that got ripped these days?
Remember the CRIS architecture being hopefully out of sync? They're all
good candidates to profit from such a helper.


Jan-Benedict Glaw jbglaw@xxxxxxxxxx . +49-172-7608481
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