Re: more files with licenses that aren't GPL-compatible

From: Adrian Cox
Date: Fri Jun 18 2004 - 04:17:37 EST

On Wed, 2004-06-16 at 23:49, Helge Hafting wrote:

> 1. don't _link_ the proprietary file into the kernel, ship firmware & logo
> as separate files along with the distro. No problem.

USB serial drivers could be implemented in userspace given a 2.6 version
of Rogier Wolff's userspace serial patch:

We currently have a lot of USB drivers in the kernel that could be
implemented in userspace. I'm thinking of drivers/usb/image, misc, and
serial particularly. If there was a userspace API to do for video
capture what SANE does for scanners, drivers/usb/media would be mostly
unneeded as well.

If vendors noticed that this was possible, we'd probably get more binary
userspace drivers for USB devices. I pass no judgement here as to
whether this would be good or bad.

- Adrian Cox
Humboldt Solutions Ltd.

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