Re: Stop the Linux kernel madness

From: Jan-Benedict Glaw
Date: Fri Jun 18 2004 - 00:57:51 EST

On Thu, 2004-06-17 18:46:11 -0700, 4Front Technologies <dev@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
wrote in message <40D24963.7040003@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>:

> What's with you guys?. Would you really like to see Linux forking?

I like playing with non-i386 hardware, that is, I do have (at least) one
"forked" kernel for each architecture, possibly even more than one...
It's just that --most of the time-- it's missing time that leads to
forked trees (that need unification some time after...). Bet on it, I'd
really like getting hired for keeping an eye on all those trees and
working on reviewing/merging them all back to Linus' tree! It's probably
nothing different with the SuSE kernels. You've hit a bug here, so let's
solve that. But their large patch set won't go away completely:

- Legacy drivers ported from 2.2.x and 2.4.x? Customer should
use newer drivers.
- Bugs fixed? Bugfix needs review and merge! (Hire me, if you can:)
- New drivers? Review and merge!
- New features that touch all the kernel? Needs a lot of

So, some parts are easy, some are not. Your problem's bugfix for sure
isn't hard to do, but large chunks of their patch may need *long*
lasting discussion...


Jan-Benedict Glaw jbglaw@xxxxxxxxxx . +49-172-7608481
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