Finalized FPU Crash Fix?

From: Josh Myer
Date: Thu Jun 17 2004 - 11:11:04 EST

Hello everybody,

Is there a general concensus that the one-liner in 2.6.7 is an
appropriate fix for the FPU hang/crash bug? I have several machines
running 2.4.x which require that outside people have shell access.
Needless to say, I'm somewhat nervous about this problem =)

I'm trying to find a nice balance between potential downtime due to
malicious users and loss of functionality/b0rkedness due to unforeseen
bugs in quick fixes. I've seen at least three different solutions to
this problem; two of them have confirmed negative side-effects. Noone
seems to have complained about the one-liner. Does anyone foresee
problems here, or should this be the correct fix (it seems right to me,
but my CPU-level voodoo is weak).

Thanks in advance,
/jbm, but you can call me Josh. Really, you can.

"People shouldn't see man-made global disasters as a bad thing, they
should see them as scientific breakthroughs waiting to happen."
-- The Onion

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