Re: Broken CREDITS file.

From: Flavio Stanchina
Date: Thu Jun 17 2004 - 05:22:23 EST

Randy.Dunlap wrote:

| N: Leonard N. Zubkoff
I doubt it, since he died in a helicopter crash in Alaska a couple
of years ago. However, it seems to be OK with most of us that
his name stays in the CREDITS file, so don't edit it so quickly.

Do we need an "hit by a bus" flag in the credits file? I think it would be a good way to remember people like Leonard *and* make sure that to one writes inadequate emails like the parent.

In this particular case,
H: Leonard Zubkoff was killed in a helicopter crash in Alaska on August 29, 2002

...and maybe an additional

Patch is attached.

Ciao, Flavio
===== CREDITS 1.119 vs edited =====
--- 1.119/CREDITS 2004-05-29 09:28:48 +02:00
+++ edited/CREDITS 2004-06-17 12:14:42 +02:00
@@ -2,8 +2,8 @@
contributed to the Linux project. It is sorted by name and
formatted to allow easy grepping and beautification by
scripts. The fields are: name (N), email (E), web-address
- (W), PGP key ID and fingerprint (P), description (D), and
- snail-mail address (S).
+ (W), PGP key ID and fingerprint (P), description (D), an
+ hit-by-a-bus message (H), and snail-mail address (S).

@@ -3578,7 +3578,9 @@
S: Germany

N: Leonard N. Zubkoff
+H: Leonard was killed in a helicopter crash in Alaska on August 29, 2002
D: BusLogic SCSI driver
D: Mylex DAC960 PCI RAID driver
D: Miscellaneous kernel fixes
@@ -3599,6 +3601,6 @@

# Don't add your name here, unless you really _are_ after Marc
# alphabetically. Leonard used to be very proud of being the
-# last entry, and he'll get positively pissed if he can't even
-# be second-to-last. (and this file really _is_ supposed to be
-# in alphabetic order)
+# last entry, and he would get positively pissed if he knew he's
+# not even second-to-last any more. (and this file really _is_
+# supposed to be in alphabetic order)