Re: Using getpid() often, another way? [was Re: clone() <->getpid() bug in 2.6?]

From: Arjan van de Ven
Date: Sun Jun 06 2004 - 11:01:58 EST

On Sun, 2004-06-06 at 17:38, Russell Leighton wrote:
> I have a library that creates 2 threads using clone().
> [NOTE: I can't use pthreads for a variety of reasons, mostly due
> to the wacky signal handling turns out that using clone() is
> cleaner for me anyway.]

a library using clone sounds suspect to me, I can't imagine an app using
pthreads being able to just use your library as a result. Note also that
clone() is not a portable interface even within linux architectures.

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