Re: 2.6 high CPU utilization with multimedia apps {Scanned}

From: rettw
Date: Sun May 23 2004 - 20:48:54 EST

Hi Andrew,

> This could be an artifact from the instrumentation - if
> the application is
> doing short bursts of work the 1000Hz clock may be
> providing more accurate
> sampling.
> In 2.6, edit include/asm/param.h and set HZ to 100 and
> then redo the
> measurement.
That did it - the CPU utilization is back down to what I
am used to seeing on 2.4. - Now, the question is - what
was more accurate? Was 2.4 producing abnormally low
numbers? Or 2.6 abnormally high? One interesting thing,
just below the define statements in the file mentioned
above is a conditional define that sets HZ to 100 anyway,
if not already defined - it almost seems that the 1000
value is bogus to begin with.

Thanks again for the help - this has been quite a mystery....


Rett Walters

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