Re: [ANNOUNCEMENT PATCH COW] proof of concept impementation of cowlinks

From: Pavel Machek
Date: Sat May 22 2004 - 12:00:36 EST


> Catching up on some really old mail, I thought I'd ask:
> For years now I've wanted to use a sendfile variant to tell the system to
> connect two filehandles from userspace. Not just web servers want to
> marshall data from one filehandle into another, things like netcat want to do
> it between a pipe and a network connection, and I've wrote a couple of data
> dispatcher daemons that wanted to do it between two network connections.
> Unfortunately, sendfile didn't work generically when I tried it (back under
> 2.4). Would this infrastructure be a step in the right direction to
> eliminate gratuitous poll loops (where nobody but me EVER seems to get the
> "shutdown just one half of the connection" thing right. My netcat can handle
> "echo 'GET /' | netcat 80". The standard netcat can't.
> Yes, I plan to fix the one in busybox eventually...)

Ugh. Yes, some syscalls like that were proposed... but to
make programming easier, you'd need asynchronous
sendfile to help you with programming, right?


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