Re: ioctl number 0xF3

From: Francois Romieu
Date: Sat May 22 2004 - 09:34:11 EST

Thomas Winischhofer <thomas@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> :
> Don't get me wrong.. did you ever write a driver for graphics hardware?

He can surely tell when an egg stinks. However Arjan is not a chicken.

> Is 64 out of, what's that, 65536 too much to ask? Well, I could live
> with 32 as well...

Reserving a generous ioctl range without any clear interface will make
some people nervous. If you can not specify the interface now, try to
separate the generic/specific part of it and use sub-ioctl for the really
scary things as it will make the future life easier.

If you have some pointers to the existing code, that may help too.

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