Re: 2.6.6-mm2 : suddent lost of keyboard. Everything else OK.

From: Ramón Rey Vicente
Date: Thu May 13 2004 - 15:14:33 EST

El jue, 13 de may de 2004, a las 09:15:29 +0200, Eric Valette dijo:

> I tested 2.6.6-mm2 this afternoon and twice I totally lost my keyboard.
> Everything else is working, I can rlogin, shutdown the system. It also
> happens in console mode and looks like either keyboard irq or more
> likely its post processing just do not process queued characters.

In my system this is happening when I press the "caps lock" key.

> I have nothing in dmesg nor in syslog. Attached in my .config.

The same here.

Ramón Rey Vicente <ramon dot rey at hispalinux dot es>
jabber ID <rreylinux at jabber dot org>
GPG public key ID 0xBEBD71D5 ->
Ranty, te echaré de menos. - Ranty, I'll miss you.

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