Who owns those locks ? (3)

From: Zoltan Menyhart
Date: Wed May 12 2004 - 10:37:33 EST

Don't know why I thought that the assembly code of the spin
lock would be in a single file :-)

Zoltán--- 2.6.5.ref/arch/ia64/kernel/head.S Wed Apr 21 16:18:26 2004
+++ 2.6.5.new/arch/ia64/kernel/head.S Wed May 12 16:31:33 2004
@@ -917,7 +917,8 @@
ld4 r30=[r31] // don't use ld4.bias; if it's contended, we won't write the word
cmp4.ne p14,p0=r30,r0
- mov r30 = 1
+// mov r30 = 1
+ shr.u r30 = r13, 12 // Current task pointer
(p14) br.cond.sptk.few .wait
cmpxchg4.acq r30=[r31], r30, ar.ccv