Re: logitech mouseMan wheel doesn't work with 2.6.5

From: Frank Otto
Date: Wed Apr 21 2004 - 11:10:37 EST

Erik Steffl <steffl@xxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
: it looks that after update to 2.6.5 kernel (debian source package but
: I guess it would be the same with stock 2.6.5) the mouse wheel and side
: button on Logitech Cordless MouseMan Wheel mouse do not work.
: [snip]
: BTW X windows is confused in the same way (I guess because that's
: what it gets from kernel driver - using xev I found that it thinks the
: sidebutton is button 2 and that turning the wheel is not an event at all).

What worked for me is to make a change to my XF86Config:
use /dev/psaux for the mouse device, and choose "ExplorerPS/2"
for the mouse protocol (I previously used "MouseManPlusPS/2").


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